We are looking for social entrepreneurs who are open to collaborating on a massive new social impact project part-time online. This project will be historically significant when future generations look back and be extremely lucrative for contributing social entrepreneurs.
It’s called Income Reengineering. It can potentially revolutionize the income-producing and wealth-building abilities of the masses. You have an opportunity now to make a significant ground-floor professional contribution to this process, have a massive social impact on society, and explode your professional and/or business income.
Here’s a brief outline of the process:
- In the future, the hourly wage and salary will become obsolete forms of compensation, similar to the way the horse and buggy are obsolete forms of transportation today. Mass adoption applies to future generations.
- This is because of a new business process called the Income Reengineering Process. Income reengineering is defined as the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in the income-earning and wealth-building abilities of the masses.
- Under the hood of the Income Reengineering Process is a grassroots-led economic research campaign to introduce, field test, and strategically deploy the Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM) in the mainstream workplace. This model will usher in at least a 3-fold increase in the aggregate standard of living, with a 5- to 7-fold increase potential because of the unique benefits associated with the model (see research overview below).
- This is why the Empowered Employee Compensation Model is projected to drive traditional hourly wages and salaries into obsolescence in the coming years and create massive wealth and prosperity while solving the age-old income problem.
- This means you have an opportunity now to make a significant ground-floor professional contribution to this process, have a massive social impact on society, and explode your professional and/or business income.
Below is a brief overview of the economic research associated with the income reengineering process.
Economic Research Overview
Here’s a detailed overview:
- This economic research originates with M.I.N.D.S., an independent economic research organization located in Southern California;
- M.I.N.D.S. operates to the following mission: conduct grassroots-led economic research into how to apply the internet and other information technology to help the masses increase their workplace income at least three times over;
- This research serves as a grassroots-led solution to the income inequality problem. For example, given the issues of income inequality and the rising gap between rich and poor, it’s time for aggressive new thinking on how we can apply grassroots-led solutions to address and solve this issue, as opposed to always relying on the government.
- The hypothesis associated with this economic research is that society needs to integrate the Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM) into the mainstream workplace for the masses to experience at least a 3-fold increase in income and wealth, potentially more.
- The Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM) is considered the 21st-century version of worker ownership.
- For example, Harvard Business School published a research paper regarding how transitional employee ownership or worker ownership leads to broad-based wealth. They found that the average wealth would increase by 2–4 fold when compared to traditional employment.
- Now, the Harvard report was based on traditional forms of worker ownership: Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and Worker-Owned Cooperatives;
- The Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM) is much more aggressive relative to employee empowerment than the traditional worker-ownership model. This is because the model strategically deploys blockchain technology to create an exciting new workplace dynamic that supercharges employee empowerment and employer cash flow flexibility.
- For this reason, we feel the new Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM) has the potential to increase aggregate income five to sevenfold.
- Simultaneously, the model offers employers significant sales and profit benefits, to the point where, according to the hypothesis, most employers will be willing to integrate this new compensation model into their workplace once we validate and test it.
- Plus, although the traditional worker-ownership models have been around since 1956, ESOPs and worker-owned cooperatives represent only 0.02% of the market.
- On the other hand, because of the internet and new blockchain technology applications associated with the Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM), we anticipate mass saturation and adoption of the EECM over time, which is required to make a significant dent in the income inequality issue.
- Vision and theory are one thing; reality is another. For this reason, we are launching a grassroots-led economic research campaign to put the new Empowered Employee Compensation Model to the test. Grassroots-led means this testing is crowdfunded by the grassroots public, and we also encourage the grassroots individuals to engage in part-time peer-to-peer collaboration and co-creation dialog online to help test and validate the model.
- In short, we set up an online platform. We encourage aspiring entrepreneurs and other grassroots individuals to come online part-time and collaborate toward forming new worker-owned enterprises according to the new Employee Empowered Compensation Model (EECM). We use crowdfunded dollars to motivate this online collaborative activity, and we crowdfund the resulting enterprises.
- We start with the formation of enterprises that operate part-time online. If online operations prove successful, we will move operations offline and start nurturing, forming, and crowdfunding new full-time enterprises. Over the long run, upon successful testing of the model, we hope to integrate this new model into the mainstream workplace in collaboration with participating employers.
- We run operations according to a four-stage business plan where each stage has a special and unique crowdfunding solution required to fund each stage.
- We set up the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP) as a promotional arm to introduce this system to the grassroots public. This platform offers a more in-depth overview using a series of six video tutorials.
As you can see, the short- and long-term potential here is enormous.
Options for Social Entrepreneurs
Your next step is to visit the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP) and review the six video tutorials. There, you can get more insight and learn how you can benefit as a business owner or entrepreneur, both now and in the future. You can easily learn and get started part-time. Get started here