Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or career professional, here you can THINK BIG, join others who are THINKING BIG, help solve big problems, increase your ECONOMIC and SOCIAL IMPACT within your profession, and dramatically increase your income part-time online.
Although many details are involved, the bottom-line message here is simple:
- Think big and open your mind to the thought of making a significant ECONOMIC IMPACT on society far beyond what you can do with your current work environment. The larger the ECONOMIC IMPACT you have on society, the more money you will make.
- But, don’t do it alone. Join others who think the same way. Learn how to collaborate, use the power of numbers to form strategic alliances, and use those alliances to secure economic power. This way, you have the financial resources and connections to make the move you need to accomplish your objective.
- This is what you can accomplish within the THINK BIG Incubator. You will join others in a strategic alliance. This alliance operates on a very specific and detailed business plan designed to address and solve economic problems and issues affecting the masses. Consequently, the alliance will have a massive ECONOMIC IMPACT on society in the coming months and years.
- Your professional contribution to this plan is how you deliver your ECONOMIC IMPACT to society and earn a ton of money doing it. If this sounds complicated, it’s not. You do not have to be a rocket scientist. Just be willing to allocate about 3 to 5 hours per week, learn, and follow the steps laid out for you.
- The THINK BIG Incubator has several operational arms or alliances: The New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project, the THINK BIG Mastermind Alliance, the Income Reengineering Business Development Network, and the Affiliate Innovation Alliance. You will get started with the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP) because it offers the quickest path to earning income.
Remember, the central theme here is to THINK BIG, join others who are THINKING BIG, and TAKE ACTION. That’s it, in a nutshell.
To get started, you have two options. You can go directly to the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP) and get started, or you can review the educational and support information below first.
Think Big
The quote by Steve Jobs sets’ the stage for what we are doing here.
The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do
Relative to what we are looking to do within the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP), the phrase “change the world” translates into an ECONOMIC IMPACT that affects the masses. We are talking about the masses, not just a few or a specific niche demographic. So, the phrase THINK BIG for you in this context concerns your contribution to creating this ECONOMIC IMPACT.
To get a better feel for what we mean by ECONOMIC IMPACT that affects the masses, consider the following questions:
- What problems are you solving with your current job or business? Do you solve problems for a specific clientele, niche, or demographic, or do you solve problems that affect the masses? The closer you get to solving problems that affect the masses, the more value you provide to society, and the more money you will make.
- What are your income goals, say, in the next 3 years? $100,000/year? $1,000,000/year? $10,000,000/year? $100,000,000/year? Again, the higher you go, the closer you must get to solving problems that affect the masses.
Within the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP), we are teaming up to solve problems that affect the masses in a big way, to the point where our efforts will be HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT economically when future generations look back.
In terms of economics, what do we mean by HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT? Here are a few examples:
- The Industrial Revolution was responsible for the mass migration of the masses from farms to factories.
- President Kennedy’s mission to the moon led to the invention of semiconductor technology and ultimately computers.
- The evolution of the Internet began with an early government initiative called the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
…just to name a few.
As you can see, each of these events had a HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT economic impact on society. So, again, within the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP), we are teaming up to solve problems that affect the masses in a big way, to the point where our efforts will be HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT economically when future generations look back, like the way we think of the historic events mentioned above.
Now, reconsider the quote from Steve Jobs: “The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.” So, are you crazy enough to step up to the plate as a member of the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP)? By the way, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist. Just:
- Believe in and THINK BIG regarding the possibilities.
- Bring a “glass half full” OPEN MIND to the table.
- Be willing and ready to learn
Membership is 100% free, and you only need about 3 to 5 hours per week to get started.
Help Solve Big Problems
So, what big problems are we looking to solve that could be HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT when future generations look back? Better yet, what big problems can you help solve to solidify your ECONOMIC IMPACT as discussed above? Consider this:
- When considering the internet, smartphones, and social media, society is more connected now than ever before in history;
- However, most of this well-connected society is still living paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings or assets;
- So, how do we use this internet connectivity that’s accessible to the masses to make it easier for the masses to create more wealth for themselves?
- When the internet first emerged in the 90s, it was promoted as the great equalizer. It was going to level the playing field between big corporate interest and the masses’ relative entrepreneurial and wealth-building possibilities;
- Now, fast forward to today, and thousands upon thousands of enterprising entrepreneurs have used the internet to make it big;
- But not the masses? Of course, the masses have new conveniences made possible via the internet (i.e. shopping online, paying bills online, remote work, social media, etc.). But has the internet and all related technology helped the masses build wealth or increase their standard of living? No
Next, consider this from a historical perspective:
- During the Industrial Revolution, the wealth-building capacity of the average worker increased significantly as workers migrated from farms and small shops to earn a wage in factories. It was a historic transition.
- As we undergo this information revolution, shouldn’t there be a corresponding historic transition that dramatically improves the wealth-building capacity of the masses?? If so, where is it? All we see today is a decreasing middle class and a rising gap between rich and poor, as shown in the chart below
Now, getting back to the original question: how do we use this internet connectivity that’s accessible to the masses to make it easier for the masses to create more wealth for themselves? This is the ultimate problem we address within the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP).
Here’s a snapshot of how we address and solve this problem.
Let’s start with a definition of the phrases: peer-to-peer collaboration and co-creation:
- Peer-to-peer means people engage each other professionally outside of the box of a traditional company or corporation;
- A good example is when open-source software developers from all over the world collaborate to develop software completely independent of corporate control or corporate funding;
- Crowdfunding is also an example of peer-to-peer production, where entrepreneurs raise capital from their peers and not a financial institution
Peer-to-peer collaboration and co-creation are all about internet connectivity. For example:
- People can use the internet to collaborate and form new large-scale collaborative alliances.
- These alliances can harness economic power far beyond what any individual can accomplish; and
- These alliances can then strategically deploy this economic power to create new economic value and wealth for each participating individual within the alliance.
Don Tapscott, in his book called Wikinomics, has a simple but famous quote
Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
The book emphasizes the power and importance of mass collaboration in an internet-centered world.
This is the solution. Teach people to use the power of large-scale peer-to-peer collaboration and co-creation, form new large-scale collaborative alliances, and strategically deploy this economic power to create new economic value and wealth for each participating individual within the alliance. This is how the masses use the internet connectivity that’s accessible to them to make it easier for them to create more wealth for themselves.
We get the ball rolling with the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project using a detailed four-stage business plan. Then, over time, this phenomenon will take on a life of its own. The result: we deliver massive new economic value and ECONOMIC IMPACT to the masses.
Get Filthy Rich
We published this blog during the early prelaunch period of operation. So, you are at the absolute ground floor and have an opportunity to make an extremely significant ground floor contribution to the launch of the business system that could be HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT when future generations look back. Remember, the larger the ECONOMIC IMPACT you have on society, the more money you make. You can have the largest impact by getting involved in the early stages of the game.
In other words, you have an opportunity to get filthy rich by getting in on the ground floor, planting your contribution flag early, and benefiting via multiple forms of ownership-based income resources and wealth as this system grows and expands in the coming months and years. There are no guarantees. However, your income is ONLY limited by your attention to detail and the value of your professional contribution to TBMA operations.
So, are you up to the challenge? Remember, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist. Just:
- Believe in and THINK BIG regarding the possibilities;
- Bring a “glass half empty” OPEN MIND to the table; and
- Be willing and ready to learn.
Membership is 100% free, and you only need about 3 to 5 hours per week to get started. Just review the play-by-play below to get a sense of what’s involved and how to get started.
Get Started
Next, move on to the New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project (NIEPP) and get started.